Hi ReactOS friends and colleagues.
There have been exciting years, I first started to have an eye on the
freewin95 project. When I first found the ReactOS project and saw
that they actually gave away free zip-files with files to try it out
I was eager to test it my self, I first downloaded my first
“bochs-1.3-reactos-images.zip” the third april 2002, and it worked! I
was amazed, so I downloaded and tested everything that I could test.
A long time has gone since that time and I have seen a lot of
progress during the years, however it's a lot of years, for me about
nine years of downloading, compiling, testing and reading svn-
messages. For many people it has been too many years and many have
fallen away, now however we are close to something that can actually
be used, the kernel is pretty stable other parts of the OS is
improving and getting there too.
During the last many years we have had about 100 individuals in the
IRC channel at all time, it indicates in my mind that we attract as
many people as we loose, I guess that is kind of the status for our
project, we should be able to change that in a short while I think.
If we can release a some real-life applications for our OS we could
draw some attention that could be permanent and the project could
really start to grow for real.
I and Aleksey met in Björkvik, Sweden for a discussion on how to get
the ball rolling, we have some suggestions that could serve as step
stones for such development. The key is to release a package of the
project and see to that it can really do that but not everything
else, for example, a web server, it doesn't need all the OS but the
ones it needs it has to do really good.
Even with this in mind ReactOS isn't well suited for many real
applications, so we just looked at a few to see if it would be a way
to go, you could perhaps suggest some more, and we would welcome
that, we only have to ensure there isn't too much work to actually
come to the finish line. Here we present some ideas and what needs to
get in place to actually make it work.
- Network subsystem (mainly tcpip.sys driver, and some winsock
- VNC support (future RDP support)
- Apache/MySQL/PHP support
- XAMPP with toolbox
Thin Client (LiveCD or BootCD)
- Re-port our MSTSC.EXE
- Local printing (USB/LPT printer support?)
Please give us your opinion and please also add possible ideas that
you have and think through what needs to get in place to see it come
to pass.
Yours sincerely,
Aleksey & Jan (Jaix)
through Jan