I think the real goal with moving to a platform such as github is reducing the entry barriers for new contributors. As it has been mentioned already, almost all projects who moved from SVN with "send patches" contribution system, to Git/Hg with Pull Requests have got non-negligible growth in contributions.

The reason I'd agree with using github as a target, is simply their svn bridge that allows developers who want to avoid git to still commit to a fork with SVN and be able to send pull requests afterward.

I have no experience with Hg beyond cloning one or two repositories that I needed code from (years ago), so I don't know how they compare feature-wise, or what the best GUI interfaces are for it. I do however know that without tortoiseGit, I'd probably still be pushing to remain on SVN.

And for anyone reading this who knows SVN but hasn't really learned to use DVCSs yet, there is one key concept that makes all the difference for someone used to SVN to understand how git works: the fact that the operations you normally do with SVN are THE SAME on git, they just work on the local repository clone, instead of the server:

Git simply has a separate set of concepts for interacting with remotes: Clone, Pull, Fetch, Rebase, Push, Force-push, Squash, etc. The whole thing becomes much less confusing if you get that idea.

On 25 February 2016 at 11:32, Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:19 AM, Ged Murphy
<gedmurphy.maillists@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are we not just looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't really
> exist? Is SVN stopping us from doing anything, or from changing to a better
> way of working for our project style? The move from CVS to SVN was worth
> doing, but is a move to git worth doing?
> If you think we have a use for git submodules, would svn externals not do
> what you want instead?
> I like git (from my limited experience with it), but as the majority of our
> developers work in a Windows environment, I'm not convinced it's worth
> moving everyone to, especially when we already have the git mirror.
> Although one real win for us in moving to github would be in moving our
> repository off of our servers and onto git's cloud backed service.
> Ged.

If your goal is to move it all off your own servers, you could just go
for BitBucket and move to cloud JIRA and tie the two together. Over
there, you can use either Mercurial or Git. BitBucket organizations
can have projects, which have repositories, and that multi-level
organization (unique to BitBucket) would allow for some interesting
opportunities in enabling people to work on different aspects of
ReactOS (application software, core OS code, build stuff, etc.).

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!

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