What people should also know is that if this branch ever does make it into trunk it will only be used as a temporary solution until the correct implementation is ready. This is by no means a permanent solution!

What it will do is act as a temp replacement which will hold things together and allow work on the real subsystem to accelerate.


At the moment the current subsystem must be kept stable as it’s our main component and needs to stay regression free whilst rewriting major parts to make it more compatible. Not an easy task!

If the Arwinss model can take over for a while it will gives the win32 subsystem developers breathing space to rewrite / hack / break / fight / kill / molest and eventually improve the real implementation without worrying about breaking reactos for everyone else.


In the long run this may be a great solution to improve the compatibility and stability of the real reactos win32 subsystem.




From: Timo Kreuzer [mailto:timo.kreuzer@web.de]
Sent: 29 July 2009 11:33
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Arwinss architecture


Oh, c'mon, people.

This diagram says nothing.
Has anyone of you even a clue of how it would look like for Windows?
The only difference to Windows design that can be seen from this diagram is the addition of the NT driver and X11 driver.
What it doesn't show is where which parts of the subsystem are located. And that would probably show compatibility problems and bad performace.


Brian schrieb:

i cant help but feel that is how it should have been done in the first place
by the way the diagram looks

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