CreateBitmap inside gdi32.dll should not leak any handle now when
you trying create a bitmap with CreateBitmap(0,0,x,x,x);
it is a GetStockObject(21) we getting back with this call
and that mean we do not need delete it etiher, this should
take care of few gdi handle leaks we have with some program
I did implemeted it in win32k now this object it is 1x1 1bpp Bitmap
you getting back. we still have bug on the syscall part for
NtGdiCreateBitmap if I fix thuse bugs we breaking downtotop
bitmap support, it seam something miss use CreateBitmap or
or NtGdiCreateBitmap or IntGdiCreateBitmap in reactos
I was force remove the correct bugfix for IntGdiCreateBitmap
until we figout who does send down negtive with or height
that is forbien todo that in NtGdiCreateBitmap and CreateBitmap
and IntGdiCreateBitmap.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Tabor" <jimtabor.rosdev(a)gmail.com>
To: "ReactOS Development List" <ros-dev(a)reactos.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Time has come, a call to developers
Good advice worth more than a few cents!
Wow! I'm still using wine tests for this rewrite. It's hard work and
going over my notes I see the use one test for over a year. Yes that
DCE thing! The way we use it hasn't changed and we still do not pass
all the tests. I haven't over looked anything. I'm still working on
gdi handle management and this will fix the issue but adds more
questions. What is published is not correct based on what is evident
points of discovery.
On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Alex Ionescu <ionucu(a)videotron.ca> wrote:
My two cents:
You guys shouldn't even release 0.3.5 until *all* Winetests give the
same results as testing on WinXP/2003.
I've never understood why such critical/useful tests have always been
ignored -- I remember fixing a lot of the ntdll regressions (thousands
of them) and it took me less than a week. Mostly looking at Wine code
and looking for bugs in functions that were being tested.
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