I am sick of you, Betov, as for your outright lies.

>Well, while I am at it, about the previous shocking absurdities:

Shocking absurdities... what a great name for your post.

>* RosAsm exist since September 1998. I started this Project the very
>First day I heard of ReactOS. This is to say, I never wrote one single
>Line for Windows, and I never used Windows any other way, but as
>A development platform, as long as ReactOS was not usable.

In September 1998, René Tournois (also known as Betov), created SpAsm - The Specific assembler which was maintained and supported by him until 24 July 2003. It was then continued with its successor, RosAsm....
Spasm 4.15j ,was the last of the versions released and maintained by René. On 24 July 2003, he decided to take a higher step toward advancing the benefit of Assembly Language and the free programming community. Concerned about the ongoing of the Software and his constant efforts in keeping with his ethical and political views, he left the project. From that remarkable day, RosAsm was born!
RosAsm 1.1a was the first version from the renewed Software, released on 27 July 2003.

RosASM branched from SpASM in 2003. Thus statement as RosASM even EXISTED in 1998 is an outright lie.

>* We are not used to promote our Tool, and would we have intention to
>Do so, we would certainly not have suggested, with its name, that it
>was, in any way, devoted to an OS that does not exist, yet. "The
>Visual Assembler", or whatever such name would have been many
>Times more appropriated.

Using Ros as a part of your name is enough. Compare how many people know the name ReactOS, to the number of those who know about RosASM... it`ll be clear enough, who is leeching from who.

>* The fact that our Assembler name is "RosAsm" expresses the flat fact
>That it is devoted to ReactOS. Period.

The fact is that the name RosASM was chosen to CREATE IMPRESSION that RosASM is in any way
related to ReactOS project. It is not. ROS never used and never will be using RosASM. There is no relation
to RosASM. You were asked to add a disclaimer on RosASM website, stating this fact. You failed to provide it.
Why? You afraid of shattering the illusion of any RosASM-ROS relations? Your devs still think they are working
for ROS project?

>This irritates Alex because he Hates me, and this is OK to me to
>irritates the very same individual, Who is implying that poor old
>Harmut was a dirty guy, having done something bad to reactOS,
>when leaving because of his conduct.

I dont know you as well as Alex does, and you know what? Those several posts of yours i seen
were enough. Alex doesnt hate you. You just make him laugh. But you DO IRRITATE ME.
I think you have several mental issues, including paranoia, neurosis, as well as inferiority complex
regarding Alex. I suggest you take a long break from any computer-related activities and rethink
your behaviour.

>* If ReactOS is a virtually dead Project, because of the topic that all of
>you seem to carefully avoid and try to hide under the carpet, we (the
>RosAsm Project), will effectively have serious problems, and not only
>with its Name. See what I mean Alexey? ("Nothing has been found yet",
">these are rumors", and so on...).

Again, another sign of your mental issues. If you are certain about Ros project
being dead, you are free to change name as well as an object of your devotion.
This should eliminate all the sources of your troubles. We would welcome this
change with great joy. Please, do all of us a favour, and just GTFO with your ASM.

