I already asked why it wasn't used for 0.3.11 CL before starting my parts manually. Somebody answered it is because of the mess it caused - but I can't remember any mess nor the person answering me.

2009/12/15 Matthias Kupfer <mkupfer@reactos.org>

just for your information, I have already written a script and it's already
available in trunk (/trunk/tools/changelog/autocl.py), but Aleksey decided to
make the ChangeLog manually. Of course the script can't do any magic, but it
was intended to setup up a ChangeLog-base for manual adjustments with the
great advantage that nothing will be forgotten. Maybe we can improve the
script to fit it to our needs and make it as much flexible as possible, but
nevertheless, we have to give it a chance to judge...


Matthias Kupfer          phone +49 (0) 371 236 46 52
Wilhelm-Firl-Straße 21   mobile +49 (0) 160 859 43 54
09122 Chemnitz, Germany

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