Hi I been working on dxg.sys some time now and documented some behovir,
I started blackbox how DxLock work. it is base on gdi how thing it work, using
same GDIOBJHDR struct. I do not go into detail here we all known who dx is handle in win32k
in xp and higher. 
here is the public header of GDIOBJHDR
typedef struct _GDIOBJHDR
    HGDIOBJ     hHmgr;      
    PVOID       unknownCount;  
    ULONG       cExcLock; 
    ULONG       Tid;   

I want change it to

typedef struct _GDIOBJHDR
    HGDIOBJ     hHmgr; 
    WORD        Count;
    WORD        Type;
    ULONG       cExcLock; 
    ULONG       Tid;
Handle for this object.

A counter of a kind
which GDI Object type it is
if the object is lock or not
The Thread it belong to
I hope we can do this change and I want comment and verify from Timo and Jim about this change