First the responsibilites need to be
solidified. When I started acting in the TC role, this was
the outline I was shown by Alex, and agreed to
The only thing that needs changing in that description is remove the
"The TC can decide as his will which bugs to promote to Blocker status
(thereby blocking a new release), or to demote bugs below that status."
"However, in the rare case where it is clear to a majority of developers
that the decision to block a release is unwarranted, a group of no less then
three developers, with the approval from a board member, may override the
TC's decision. Such actions should never have to happen however, and
communicaton is highly recommended in order to reach a moderated debate."
In my opinion, the developers should determine if a release should be
blocked, not the TC. This is different from giving the developers the right
to override the TC. I'm not sure why "a board member" is mentioned here,
project is primarily run by the developers, not the foundation board.
It would be nice if the TC could provide a list (shortly after feature
freeze) of the biggest problems the testing team found. I, as a developer,
would certainly use that list to prioritize what bugs I'm going to work on
during feature freeze. I do reserve the right however to skip certain bugs,
because frankly I don't always agree with the classification (example: bug
880 which is currently classified as "blocker", but in my view it should be
"minor" since there is a very easy work around available).
Gé van Geldorp.