More git "features":

The rebase command will take a branch and rewrite its history so that it is as if the branch had been based off a different branch or revision than the one it actually was.

Rebasing throws away¹ the history of a branch. Unfortunately, throwing away that history hampers collaboration on that branch: if someone has branched off your branch, you now have two branches that appear unrelated to your VCS but make nearly identical changes to the same code. In other words, you now have two branches that are basically guaranteed to conflict when merged: for instance, if both branches are merged to a common trunk, almost certainly all the changes in the second branch that were present in the first will conflict. Ouch!

Seriously guys, those of you that have been around here for 3-4 years+... do these "features" look like they match our development style? We have plenty of noobs (nothing wrong with that) and plenty of people with bombastic attitudes (nothing wrong with that either). An immutable trunk is the only thing keeping things sane.

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Alex Ionescu <> wrote:
git scares the hell out of me -- git-filter-branch is a tool explicitly created to allow you to *destroy* (not revert) all commits by a single author.

I'm not saying ReactOS is a minefield of bad attitude, but I'm sure we can all think of at least a half-dozen of instances where such a tool would've been used (even by a committer against himself, as was actually done).

With SVN, when the author did that, we were able to undo the damage immediately -- that's the point. Being able to destroy history data like this is just horrible.

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:14 PM, Alex Ionescu <> wrote:
Sorry, I meant to say git -- and I think Aleksey understood it as "git" too.

I'm surprised you had import problems -- Hg is widely recognized as having an excellent built-in "converter" for most other repositories.

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu

2009/1/8 Timo Kreuzer <>
Aleksey Bragin wrote:

The main problem with Hg is the same problem I have with GCC,  
Cygwin, etc -- it's a Linux tool built for Linux-based projects,  
with a fanatic Linux-based fanbase that won't care much about  
Windows support, stability and performance..
So true... I'm sick of those fanatics, though recently I see a  
decrease of their count, and a fresh view on FOSS world by people  
(here in Russia).
Are you talking about Git or Hg now?

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