If the ImageBase for a given executable is in the kernel range (above
0x7FFE1000 or whatever), from reading the code it seems like no validation
will stop it from going above that address. I have no way to try it out
because I don't have reactos installed.
Interestingly, in Windows XP SP2, the only illegal ImageBase values are:
7C800000 - Causes a dialog box to appear during the ntdll process
initialization APC saying that the program can't run because kernel32.dll
was relocated.
7C900000 - Causes PspMapSystemDll to fail. As a result, the process is
never created and NtCreateProcessEx returns an error.
These errors occur even when /fixed:no is used. Every other address is
allowed by Windows as long as /fixed:no is specified, even above the
user-kernel barrier.
Personally I think reactos should allow user mode programs to shove ntdll
and kernel32 out of the way, but that's just me =)
04477 MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace);
and the one below it should return STATUS_CONFLICTING_ADDRESSES, determined
by attempting to load an image based at a kernel address without a
relocation section.
MmCreatePeb has an invalid assertion:
ASSERT(Peb == (PVOID)0x7FFDF000);
If the process's .exe already is at that address, the PEB will be at the
wrong address.
There's also a nice way for a user-mode program to bugcheck the kernel or
leak a small amount of information in MmCreatePeb:
ImageConfigData = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData(Peb->ImageBaseAddress,
To crash the kernel, put a bogus load config directory entry pointer in your
To read an arbitrary dword or two, set up the load config pointer such that
it aims at your desired memory address, then read the PEB's OSCSDVersion and
ImageProcessAffinityMask values once your process starts.