Hi all!
Started WinObj.exe and got this,
KeBugCheckWithTf at ntoskrnl/ke/catch.c:217
A problem has been detected and ReactOS has been shut down to prevent damage to
your computer.
The problem seems to be caused by the following file: win32k.sys
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xc0000005,0x9dc9e095,0x00000000,0x9ef22000)
*** win32k.sys - Address 0x9dc9e095 base at 0x9dc93000, DateStamp 0x0
Page Fault Exception: 14(2)
Processor: 0 CS:EIP 8:9dc9e095 <win32k.sys:b095 (subsys/win32k/dib/dib16bpp.c:51
cr2 9ef22000 cr3 3aad5000 Proc: 816a3f60 Pid: 128 <winobj.EXE> Thrd: 816af510 Ti
d: 120
DS 10 ES 10 FS 30 GS 23
EAX: d699d699 EBX: 0000d699 ECX: 7ff68b22
EDX: ffffffff EBP: 9ed8b7f0 ESI: 0056f678 ESP: 9ed8b76c
EDI: 9ef22000 EFLAGS: 00010a17 kESP 9ed8b76c kernel stack base 9ed89000
It locked up and was unable to back trace. Also, I tried to repeat the error
and all I get is this,
KeBugCheckWithTf at ntoskrnl/ke/catch.c:217
(ntoskrnl/mm/mm.c:319) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address d699d699
(ntoskrnl/mm/mm.c:319) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address d699d69d
(ntoskrnl/mm/mm.c:319) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address d699d69d
(ntoskrnl/mm/mm.c:319) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address d699d69d
(ntoskrnl/mm/mm.c:319) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address d699d69d
(ntoskrnl/mm/mm.c:319) Page fault at high IRQL was 2, address d699d69d
(ntoskrnl/ke/i386/exp.c:507) Stack underflow (tf->esp 9edda97c Limit 9eddb000 Ei
p 800ac3d4)
(ntoskrnl/ke/i386/exp.c:507) Stack underflow (tf->esp 9edda13c Limit 9eddb000 Ei
p 800ac3d4)
(ntoskrnl/ke/i386/exp.c:507) Stack underflow (tf->esp 9edd98fc Limit 9eddb000 Ei
p 800ac3d4)
(ntoskrnl/ke/i386/exp.c:507) Stack underflow (tf->esp 9edd90bc Limit 9eddb000 Ei
p 800ac3d4)
(ntoskrnl/ke/i386/exp.c:507) Stack underflow (tf->esp 9edd887c Limit 9eddb000 Ei
p 800ac3d4)
(ntoskrnl/ke/i386/exp.c:507) Stack underflow (tf->esp 9edd803c Limit 9eddb000 Ei
p 800ac3d4)
Endless Loop!