is it a way to fire up a ros-dev drama ? :-)
I indeed disabled write access of account "greatlrd" to /trunk (with
exception to rostests module, and all branches and tags), because of
too high commit/revert, hack-commit, untested commits ratio (just
simply calculate that from a svn log, accessible by everyone), and
ignore of simple reactos development rules (common sense being one of
However, not to discourage Magnus, I remained silent about this, and
proposed a better way to work: his commits are always going into the
branch, where someone (including me) could review them fix spelling
and code formatting, and apply to trunk if necessary. Thus two birds
would be killed with one stone: Magnus doesn't have a need to create
patches, send them to someone for review, get modified patches back,
reapply and then commit, but he just could commit to a branch
directly and get them merged to trunk in their best shape, and not
worry about trunk breakages, since having another person testing/
looking greatly reduces chances of a breakage.
For some strange reason, he accepted that as lowering his status
(which I didn't intend to do, and in fact it's quite hard to harm
someone's "status"). I always liked and do like Magnus as a person,
and hope for an understanding from his side. His work is often great,
e.g. just recently he found a bitmap bug we were trying to chase for
a long time. But only a bit is needed: his code, like his text needs
to be "spell-checked".
Aleksey Bragin.
On Jun 17, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Magnus Olsen wrote:
I am not returning anytime soon to reactos until everthing has been
restored by fireball. He has removed my commit access to reactos
for the reason he dislikes my spelling and code style. He demands
every thing I code, must be approve by him. So I am not coming back
until this has all changed. With full restored commit access.