I have recently acquired some second-hand hardware that will be dedicated to
my testing and development of reactos.
It will, however, not boot either 0.2.6 release or current SVN and I would
appreciate some assistance on how to debug this problem.
The output from the two versions is as follows.
Used memory 131072Kb
(mm/mminit.c:375) Kernel Stack Limits. InitTop = 0x800bb000, Init =
(mm/virtual.c:214) FIXME: MEMORY_AREA_SYSTEM case incomplete (or possibly
wrong) for NtQueryVirtualMemory()
(ke/bug.c:56) Found Bugcheck Resource Data!
(ke/bug.c:67) Got Pointer to Bugcheck Resource Data!
(ke/clock.c:80) KiInitializeSystemClock()
(ke/clock.c:99) Finished KiInitializeSystemClock()
(ex/timer.c:172) ExpInitializeTimerImplementation()
(io/pnproot.c:676) DeviceID: Root\Ne2000 PDO 80546268
(io/pnproot.c:689) InstanceID: 0000 PDO 80546268
(io/pnproot.c:676) DeviceID: Root\PCI PDO 80546370
(io/pnproot.c:689) InstanceID: 0000 PDO 80546370
DriverBase for \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\pci.sys: 9cdb3000
Peripheral Component Interconnect Bus Driver
SVN (actually r16344 despite what it says)
(ntoskrnl\ke\main.c:294) ---------------------------------------------------
(ntoskrnl\ke\main.c:295) ReactOS 0.3-SVN (Build 20050624-r16253)
Used memory 131072Kb
(ntoskrnl\mm\mminit.c:375) Kernel Stack Limits. InitTop = 0x800f2000, Init
= 0x800ef000
(ntoskrnl\mm\mm.c:327) No current process
In both cases the screen freezes after the line that says loading pci.sys
Mike Lerwill