Nope it doesnt. Its CMake, not OS specific. I tried to convice Amine and Colin of removing
it, but its supposedly not possible:…
Now see, how much extra trafic does this path generate everyday?
On Sun, Jan 15, 2012, at 08:25 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
Op 15-1-2012 1:17, Cameron Gutman schreef:
I built a working CMake BootCD with RC2 on OS X
Lion 10.7.2 and Xcode 4.2.1, so the issue with the previous RC seems to be gone.
Does it get rid of the "P:\Trunk_slave\x86_Cmake\build" part in debug
logs? Come to think of it, I guess it's Cmake on Windows specific likely.
Rbuild (no idea if this is Windows or Linux) :
(ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpinit.c:404) Need to build DACL"
Cmake (trunk dbgwin build downloaded ISO) :
(P:\Trunk_slave\x86_CMake\build\ntoskrnl\io\pnpmgr\pnpinit.c:404) Need
to build DACL"
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