On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Johannes Anderwald <janderwald@reactos.org> wrote:
Alex Ionescu schrieb:
> You know what else is boring? Going to a shitty university class, going to meetings at work, listening to your wife whine about her backstabbing girlfriends, and helping your child work out a 4th grade math problem.
> It's called responsibility.
You hit it.

Johannes Anderwald

Couldn't have said it better myself... Life sometimes sucks, mostly it's boring, and sometimes it's exciting.  You gotta get through it all, and do everything you're supposed to do by the end of the day. Otherwise, it'll bite you in the ass much later and you will wish you did it when you were supposed to.

Alex, you may be "abrasive," but at least you know exactly what you're supposed to be doing!
*thumbs up*