A lot of people have requested to see try out the new ws2_32.dll binary.
It's not complete yet, and I know the following applications don't work:
- Possibly all cygwin apps that use fork() and sockets
- tracert, and other XP applications which use getnameinfo().
IE6, Filezilla, Thunderbird, Firefox, MIRC, MSN, Outlook Express all
work for me, but I'd be interested in other big applications that have
1) Unzip zip file contents to the directory of the program you wish to test
2) Create a blank file in that directory, named program.exe.local,
where program is the name of your app. Example: iexplore.exe.local
Please make sure that you are using Microsoft Windows XP or higher for
your tests.
I'd be happy to receive any news of application crashes or
incompatibilities. I'm most interested in games.
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu
PS. This is a debug build. It prints out a lot of debug messages if you
have a debugger attached and is also built without any optimizations. As
such, network throughput might be slower. This is normal.
- Debug.rar
(application/octet-stream — 329.4 KB)