Yep, I agree with everything David says here. It’s the only sensible way forward, unless we’re aiming to be the next freedos.
A move to NT6 doesn’t mean we have to scrap everything we have that doesn’t fit that architecture, it’s just means the project is free to start to move towards a more NT6 way of doing things. It brings more freedom and fun to the project, keeps us relevant and hopefully makes us more attractive to would-be developers.
From: Ros-dev [] On Behalf Of David Quintana (gigaherz)
Sent: 14 May 2016 10:27
To: ReactOS Development List <>
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Pale Moon drops ReactOS support
No, ros isn't a project to revive xp/2003, it has never been. The project decided to stick to 2003 many years ago, because it was unreasonable to try to keep up, and it was best to remain on a static target. When XP/2003 got close to EOL, we decided to use the fact that ReactOS is NT5 as a PR advantage, but I don't even know that this did much for us.
The problem we have now, is this target is now so far back that many of us feel that staying on it may hurt the project more than help it.
Here is how I see it: There's two kinds of potentially large groups of users of ReactOS:
My guess is the number of people who would use ros simply because it implements and old architecture and they have an irrational dislike of anything newer, is a tiny minority.
If this is right, then we have two separate issues:
So the project has two possible goals:
And I have a strong feeling that the first group are less likely to contribute to the project, and less likely to adopt the project in the future, so yes, I would like the project to move in the other direction, not back to a dynamic target, just choose a new target to stick to, that isn't so far back, but isn't also being changed constantly anymore, and right now, that would be NT6.3 (Windows 8.1 -- but we don't have to implement the Modern UI or remove the start menu, or any of that crap, this is about structure and APIs).
I may be biased, though: I'm most definitely on the second group. As a developer, I like ros because I like Windows over other platforms, but I'd love if it was opensource so I could tweak certain things beyond the options they provide. If ReactOS would start an effort to add NT6 features, I'd most definitely feel a renewed interest in the project, which you may have noticed has been already quite low these days.
P.S.: There's no NT7, Microsoft decided to change the NT version to match the client version, so windows 10 is now NT10, and like apple did with OSX, they plan on making future versions of windows just 10.x ;P