Wesley Parish wrote:
"insecure-by-inattention" - by that I
mean software that must run as
super-user or otherwise (otherstupidly) it won't run at all.
read all you can find on the new security features in Windows Vista. The
security model has been enhanced with various forms of Mandatory Access
Control - among the many of them, the fact that all users (except
System, i.e. services) are entirely powerless by default, even
administrators, and a reauthentication is required every time privileges
are needed (the user experience is pretty much identical to MacOSX) -
and the application compatibility layer has been enhanced to the point
it now fully implements a virtual filesystem view and a virtual registry
Are you saying that with Vista it's possible to give a program its own
virtual view of the system which it can read and modify to its heart's
content without affecting other programs? That would be simply divine.