-----Original Message-----
From: ros-dev-bounces(a)reactos.org [mailto:ros-dev-bounces@reactos.org] On Behalf Of Lucio
Sent: 17. oktober 2005 00:16
To: ros-dev(a)reactos.org
Subject: [ros-dev] Team work
I am not a developer, but i am an adult man, with some
experience with team working and have been reading
this mailing list since the begining, and what can i
I have seen Alex Ionescu apologicing, often, so yes,
drop IRONY, Alex is a great listener, and NO! it is
not easy to find people who would apologice nowadays.
[CSH] Most of the times when there is a disagreement there
is no reason to apologise. We just settle the issue with a
vote and follow the outcome in the future (until voted
upon again).
I have seen Alex Ionescu as the one in the center of
all discusions, and he could be fast to answer, but he
proved to be as fast to apologice, and that i have not
seen from some other developers.
[CSH] All? Actually can you point me to a posting where
Alex apologises? I'm just wondering where you get the
"Alex often apologises" from.
It IS NORMAL, to have discussions where you are
working in such a big proyect, not everyone can have
the same vision of a whole OS, but what have NO sense,
is to harass people for doing their work well, just
cause there is not a F* paper about their "election".
[CSH] So, you think it's okay for 5 people to grant one
person more rights than the other 30 whenever they want
(and without telling the other 30 people)?
I thought this was an open source project, so people
commit if they want, if they dont they dont, period.
Harassing people wont grow the developer base.
[CSH] I get the feeling that in some cases, what you
would call harassment of people, I would call critiquing
peoples actions. Maybe you could provide concrete examples?
One example where someone is harassed and one where someone
critiques someone else's actions. I can provide better
arguments in concrete cases than when discussing it in
general. Or maybe they are all harassment cases to you?