Hello everyone.
I think there is alot of time and energy being wasted regarding the
Testing Coordinator role, and it's responsibilities. First the
responsibilites need to be solidified. When I started acting in the
TC role, this was the outline I was shown by Alex, and agreed to
I am pretty pleased with the description, and have managed to balace
performing these responsibilities with having a real life, wife and
child included. Seems everyone agrees I am doing acceptably.
I've tried to review the stability of ReactOS about once a week, since
it takes about 4 to 5 solid hours to build debug and release builds,
install them, load test applications and check out regressions, bugs,
and newly working features.
I've tried to keep the bugzilla database up to date, and filled with
"Good Bugs", and I even wrote up a wiki article on how to do so.
http://www.reactos.org/wiki/index.php/File_Bugs. I have tried to
steer people away from reporting bugs in the IRC channel and the
forums. I am usually available on IRC, and occationally surf the
forums for bug reports and reminders.
The last part of the obligations of the TC is the working applicaitons
list, and when Alex and I discussed this, he came up with the example
listed, but it was understood that the format of list was flexible.
This is sort of what the "State of the Repository" emails have been
I am collecting notes on a testing method than can be applied by our
more inclined users, and a way to integrate a "testing database" that
can show the status of apps using reports submitted by users or a
testing team. I am also working on updating the parts of the wiki
that involves testing in some manner, including building the source
(and setting up the environment), using virtual machines to test,
debugging, filing bugs and so on..
Please review and discuss. I would like to have the vote as soon as possible.
Thanks for everyone's support,
<arty> don't question it ... it's clearly an optimization