From: Casper Hornstrup
[CSH] Right. How about changing:
* Override any decision made by the Project Coordinator or
Area Coordinator.
* Appoint or dismiss the Project Coordinator or Area Coordinator.
* Override any decision made by the Project Secretary or any
* Appoint or dismiss the Project Secretary or any Coordinator.
Yes, sounds fine to me.
[CSH] I thought of having a "quick vote" for
decisions which
are needed here and now (like whether or not to release now)
and not necessarily need to be documented anywhere else than
the mailing lists for future reference, but how would you
define the two?
Maybe we could allow the Registered Project Member that calls
for the vote to choose any number of days of voting period
less than 7 days, but at least 2? days and no discussion period?
Any Registered Project Member already has the right to demand
a revote at any time
I don't think it's necessary to define a "quick" and a "full"
vote in the
constitution. In practice, I expect little confusion about this, it is
usually obvious. And like you said, it can always be "fixed" by a revote. I
think the 7 day periods should be mentioned, like they are now, to emphasize
that they are the preferred periods. Add a clause which states that the
Registered Project Member calling the vote can specify different periods in
his call for vote.
there should be some protection from abuse of that right? One
could spam until he/she gets what he/she wants).
Looks like an extreme case to me, so extreme measures are warranted too:
there's the option of unregistering the project member.
[CSH] We haven't done secret elections before. I
could go
either way. If it's secret then you put a lot of power into
one person, the person that collects the votes (most likely
the Project Secretary). What procedure would you suggest?
No, we haven't done this before, and I didn't like it...
How about the Project Secretary nominates a neutral vote counter (can be
anyone, Registered or Unregistered, including the Project Secretary himself)
which all the candidates have to affirm? Can be done in private emails
between Project Secretary and candidates. That should ensure the neutrality.
Ge van Geldorp.