Hi guys:

Original text:

Hola, en efecto el gabinete es el de la foto 2, viene con quemador de cds y con todo lo necesario para su funcionamiento, monitor LG 15 pulgadas Flat (el de la foto), teclado, mouse y bocinas Acteck (kit de la foto), te la enviamos trabajando con el sistema operativo Reactos 0.2.8 en español, el Open Office 1.1.4 en español, y el Nero burning Rom (programa para quemar tus discos), he agregado a la ficha del equipo la informacion del Reactos para que tengas una idea muy clara de sus posibilidades y ventajas.,, tambien te damos la opcion de Windows XP agregando 1,300 pesos o si tu lo prefieres ponerselo por tu cuenta, yo te entrego los discos de soporte para la instalacion y configuracion del equipo, saludos y gracias por preguntar


Hi, in effect the computer is from the second picture, comes with cd writer and everything needed for its proper working, 15 inch LG  Flat monitor(the one in the picture), keyboard, mouse and speakers Acktect(kit in the picture), we send it working with ReactOS operating system version 0.2.8 in spanish, Open Office 1.1.4 in spanish and Nero Burning Rom (software to burn your discs), I added ReactOS to the equipment so you can have a very clear idea of its possibilities and advantages, we also give you the option of Windows XP adding 1,300 pesos or if you want you can put it on your own, I deliver you the support discs for the instalation and cofiguration of the equipment, greetings and thanks for asking.

Nothing like a human translation ;)
Regards to everyone

On 12/22/05, Jonathon Keogh <personal@juleos.co.uk> wrote:
Ge van Geldorp wrote:

>My Spanish is not that great, but I get the impression that they're offering
>PCs with ReactOS preinstalled here:
> http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-10172918--_JM Can anyone confirm
>that? Not that I mind, I'm just curious.
>Gé van Geldorp.
>Ros-dev mailing list
I translated with WordLingo and got:
"The ReactOS® project is focused to put free software to disposition of
all, providing a graphical and compatible operating system with
Microsoft Windows® XP."

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