Hi All,
A few months ago, an SVN branch, vs_jc, was created so that I could experiment with manual creation of Visual Studio solution. I am ready to start putting files into it, but before I do, I would like to get it sync’ed with the trunk. Unfortunately, I am not very experienced with SVN (more like hopelessly ignorant), and I’d like to avoid making a mess if possible. I was hoping that someone could sit with me for the 10-15 minutes that would be needed to “get it right” so that I don’t make a mess. Hermès was helping me yesterday do a merge, but he seems to be out-of-pocket at the moment, and I’d rather not wait, as I am blocking the work of others.
The merge generated a lot of conflicts, and I see no option on Tortoise SVN menu to resolve them, and I have tried 6 or 7 times myself to do a merge, each time not being clear on what I am doing. I would have no problem whatsoever blowing away vs_jc and simply branching HEAD-of-trunk and starting over, as there is currently nothing that I put in vs_jc that is of value.