war is here 3:>

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:30 PM, James Tabor <jimtabor.rosdev@gmail.com> wrote:
No, not even, not in the light of day, shall this ever be part of trunk!

Separate project maybe, perhaps or will be a new project altogether!

Leave our trunk alone and keep working on ArWinSS where it is or make
it's own home on ReactOS.org.

I'm @ wk and had to comment on this,

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Ged<gedmurphy@gmail.com> wrote:
> What people should also know is that if this branch ever does make it into
> trunk it will only be used as a temporary solution until the correct
> implementation is ready. This is by no means a permanent solution!
> What it will do is act as a temp replacement which will hold things together
> and allow work on the real subsystem to accelerate.
> At the moment the current subsystem must be kept stable as it’s our main
> component and needs to stay regression free whilst rewriting major parts to
> make it more compatible. Not an easy task!
> If the Arwinss model can take over for a while it will gives the win32
> subsystem developers breathing space to rewrite / hack / break / fight /
> kill / molest and eventually improve the real implementation without
> worrying about breaking reactos for everyone else.
> In the long run this may be a great solution to improve the compatibility
> and stability of the real reactos win32 subsystem.
> Ged.

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