just for you to know,
im having issues with my router lately, so i cant ensure i will be available at the meeting.... i will do my best to be


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Colin Finck <colin@reactos.org> wrote:
Aleksey Bragin <aleksey@reactos.org> wrote:
I want to remind you of the monthly status meeting taking place today,
Thursday the 26th of May at 20:00 UTC at freenode #reactos-meeting.

As you didn't come up with a list of the allowed participants this time and I'm still the list maintainer based on the March meeting decision, let's use the following list. I have also included the GSoC students this time.

- Giannis Adamopoulos (smiley1_)
- Johannes Anderwald (janderwald)
- Javier Agustěn Fernŕndez Arroyo (elhoir)
- Maciej Bialas (niski)
- Jan Blomqvist-Kinander (JaixBly)
- Aleksey Bragin (abragin)
- Thomas Faber (ThFabba)
- Colin Finck (Colin_Finck)
- Danny Götte (dangerground)
- Andrew Green (greeniekin)
- Cameron Gutman (aicom)
- Ziliang Guo (ZWabbit)
- Rafal Harabien (rafalh)
- Andrew Hill (ash77)
- Kamil Hornicek (Pigglesworth)
- Gabriel Ilardi (gabriel_it)
- Amine Khaldi (AmineKhaldi)
- Timo Kreuzer (tkreuzer)
- Matthias Kupfer (Collibri)
- Michael Martin (mjmartin)
- Victor Martinez (vicmarcal)
- Roel Messiant (Mephisto)
- Claudiu Mihail (KlausM)
- Andrew Munger (WaxDragon)
- Ged Murphy (GedMurphy)
- Sylvain Petreolle (Usurp)
- Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin)
- Daniel Reimer (dreimer)
- Pierre Schweitzer (HeisSpiter)
- Samuel Serapion (encoded)
- Olaf Siejka (Caemyr)
- James Tabor (jimtabor)
- Neeraj Yadav (neeraj_rct)
- Art Yerkes (arty)

Please tell me if I have forgotten anybody.

This is UTC by the way: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx :-)

Best regards,


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