Murphy, Ged (Bolton) wrote:
Whether headers are added or not, my point was simply
that a translator
shouldn't put himself into the header as the programmer.
It's a little discourteous to the actual programmer (although most devs
won't actually care), and it creates a false piece of information.
Consider the following scenario:
foo: Hi. one of the buttons is sending the wrong message in the German
dialog. Can you fix it please
bar: Sorry, I'm not a programmer
foo: But it has your name as the programmer in the header...
Perhaps if translators want to be named in resource files, and we feel a
need to put headers in all our resource files too (which I think is a bit
overkill, they should be kept in the main code only) we could include an
extra line for TRANSLATOR:
Anyway, it wasn't my intention to drag this through ros-dev.
Like I said, PROGRAMMER implies the person who wrote this file, not the
programmer of the entire project (I don't see why you'd think that...
just because my name is in lib\rtl\foo.c doesn't mean I wrote *all* the
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu