I think there is a need for a a document in the wiki similiar to the project coordinator page, that states what the UI coordinator should do. Right now different people have different views on it.

2006/5/19, Aleksey Bragin <aleksey@studiocerebral.com>:

On May 19, 2006, at 11:04 AM, Alex Ionescu wrote:

> However, to add my two cents, either you start respecting coordinator
> positions or you don't. Some of you come up with arguments like "oh
> noes!! We CAN'T change this in Application FOO because <some guy that
> wrote foo> doesn't want us to!". Well, if your definition of GPL/
> FOSS is
> that some guy can dictate how his code is used, then shouldn't your
> definition of a "coordinator" be someont that dictates policy on
> his area?

This is exactly the point. What's the point in a UI coordinator, who
at least tries to keep things consistent, when noone is going to
listen to him?
However, there is one more role of a coordinator - to try and solve
all arguings arising between developers / ppl working on graphics.

So, if you (Ged vs. mf) finally can't work together at all, I would
better take a small break then, to re-think what's wrong and what's
right. And yes, it should be fun, otherwise what's the point of
working on this at all?

I tried to regulate this somehow, but it looks like not enough steam
was off from both Ged and mf, and all this resulted into a ros-dev
And developers themselves haven't decided - GreatLord wants the icon
removed for some unknown reason, someone else wants the icon to stay,
also without a reason.

Why I wanted a UI coordinator, is because HE should solve SUCH
questions [in a more or less diplomatic way :) ].

I will think more what can be done on this topic.

> If it's OK to take Foo's authority over foo.exe as supreme, isn't it a
> bit hypocritical to go behind Bar KC's authority when modifying bar?
> Just my two cents.
> Best regards,
> alex Ionescu

Aleksey Bragin
ReactOS Project Coordinator.
Ros-dev mailing list