The most important reason for moving development into branches was to minimize the effect of prolonged trunk breakage, that has to happen with rewrites. This is a vital issue, as inability of testing trunk on the daily basis is very often a seed for regression accumulation.

2010/4/29 James Tabor <>
"Well, let's clear it up once and for all. I don't want this topic to
be brought again and again."

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Aleksey Bragin <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Now, very important(!):
> For the first step I would like ALL developers to drop their current
> ReactOS-related work, including all work in branches or wherever else and
> focus ONLY on fixing regressions from that list.

After communicating on IRC and analyzing the new development model
with the use of multiple branches. ReactOS need to revert this new
model and go back to doing the development in one main branch. Most of
our developers have more than one branch and spending more time with
those branches. Obviously this is not working since this issue keeps
coming up every month. Brain freeze trunking! Lousing track on which
branch that has regressed in the debug logs is a big problem and is
growing. Instead of working outward or away from each other, ReactOS
needs to work back inside and start merging back in. Work out the new
issues and stay inward and focus on one branch.

Good Luck!

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