
I'm a quite recent ReactOS developer but I'd like to say some things that appear to me as important. First of all, you're *speaking* on a public list about a private problem. Problem that only concerns two persons, and we should leave those persons fixing it themselves; I think they are mature enough to make it. That's why I won't give my opinion about that.
Then, you're mixing problems (still IMO). You're mixing GL case and general breakings. Moreover you're comparing things that couldn't be. When working on a kernel (whatever is the OS), it's really easy to break things. Whereas in usermode area it's easier (I didn't say easy!) to track regressions.
Finally, I think all those discussions could have been avoid if some people had more informations before writting. Small example, but which reveals that fact. I NEVER (for now) broke trunk. I only tracked a regression introduced previously... And that shows one other important thing: the most important isn't to know who introduced regression, but the fact that there's a regression.
GreatLord: Sending patches to an other dev before commiting as nothing to do with an insult. I often do it so I learn things, I don't break things, and I'm a dev anyway. It avoids you to be alone with coding. (And it makes Hervé, Filip and Aleksey working ;)).
Now I'd like to conclude on a major point. We should silent all those problems for at least a month. Why? Easy: we're about to release since April. We should now focus on release, and get back to those problems after. It will avoid some people accusing us of being a bad project (and a bad team). Moreover, we're doing something unique, people are waiting many things from us, it's up to us to offer them their expectations.
I'll be availlable as usual on IRC this evening.
P. Schweitzer


> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 20:46:10 -0500
> From: jimtabor.rosdev@gmail.com
> To: ros-dev@reactos.org
> Subject: Re: [ros-dev] when will I return Magnus Olsen aka GreatLord
> Hi,
> I really don't know~ it could be to late~
> But~ in regards to this whole affair~ with the new developing model
> and all~ dividing into little groups~ with the study of this project
> members in general~ even the aspirations of money in this mix~
> I have concluded that there are members intellectually inadequate in
> comprehending and understanding of all the vastly interlacing and
> intrinsic workings of this "Timepiece". I am disappointed.
> You can work in one area and make it compatible (Gdi32) but what would
> happen to the kernel side if the "Other Group" did not think it was
> that important to fix at that time?
> Basically we will be stuck with a multi contractor group trying their
> best to build a building and due to the lack of communication skills,
> we now have stairs with odd step sizes and Windows tilted sideways.
> Wow would that be a nice piece of art to show to the public?
> Due to the critically of this, it would be incomprehensible to
> subdivide at this time. The consequences would be incalculable.
> Leading to the end of the project.
> Think about productive communication.
> Wow, what a waste of my time having to write this too..........
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Alex Ionescu <ionucu@videotron.ca> wrote:
> > Looks like it's time for me to come back and help you get your shit
> > back together, right? :)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Alex Ionescu
> >
> >
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