"ReactOS server edition with no GUI, everything is done remotely"
(this was an ancient idea of mine)
On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Aleksey Bragin <aleksey(a)reactos.org> wrote:
Yes, this is a key point, being better than existing
Imagine how it's done with Linux now: You have a preinstalled Linux, say,
dedicated server. Then you log into it using ssh, do aptitude (or rpm, or
whatever) install apache2, then install php5, then install mysql. Then you
go to /etc/apache2/ and start editing apache.conf, go to
/etc/apache2/conf.d, hack something there. Then it doesn't work because it
can't resolve fully qualified name, you go to /etc/network, edit text files
there, then go to /etc/resolv.d to set correct DNS servers, then set up
correct host name in a dozen of different places.
That was just apache2. Then you proceed to mysql, edit hundreds of other
config files and watching logs simulteneously in /var/log.
I think in the modern world, a person should remotely login via a graphics
shell into Windows/ReactOS-alike desktop, and configure stuff there using
Control Panel! Install LAMP using our package manager, finetune config using
tools like WEBMIN and enjoy running your server. The only thing preventing
people from using that way now because Windows costs real money and Linux is
I performed setups of Linux servers I think, hundreds of times, and
everytime I was bitching about it. Last time was a couple of days ago when I
was setting up a ZoneMinder server for 5th time, because precious Ubuntu
package manager sucked, the kernel didn't support my capture card without
guess what?! recompiling the "kirnel"!! And that I had to increase default
shared memory size (I spent hours searching which line in which config to
add for *ubuntu* to recognize that I want shmmax to be increased),
symbolically linking stuff so that apache2 is happy and sees my zm
Certainly ZoneMinder is not available for Windows because Windows costs
money and is proprietary. It's same reason I have to choose Linux everytime
I need a server.
If I had the option to use a much better, modern and free operating system
- I would not think even one second what to choose.
Did I convince you that ReactOS-based servers aren't that bad idea? :)
Aleksey Bragin.
On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Olaf Siejka wrote:
How will you convince anyone that such setup on ReactOS is of any worth to
be used and what is more important - better to be used over similar linux
Right now we dont have enough manpower to keep testing ROS on a most basic
level (its over a week, or even more since i managed to discover the broken
resolution change switch... pretty basic, huh?). Starting another target
will either have us split our thin resources over another goal (like arwinss
did beforehand) so if we dont have any more people, we will be forced to
drop work on trunk (our main goal) even futher.
2010/10/23 Aleksey Bragin <aleksey(a)reactos.org>
Hi ReactOS friends and colleagues.
- Network subsystem (mainly tcpip.sys driver, and some winsock
- VNC support (future RDP support)
- Apache/MySQL/PHP support
- XAMPP with toolbox
Thin Client (LiveCD or BootCD)
- Re-port our MSTSC.EXE
- Local printing (USB/LPT printer support?)
Please give us your opinion and please also add possible ideas that you
have and think through what needs to get in place to see it come to pass.
Yours sincerely,
Aleksey & Jan (Jaix)
through Jan
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