
Actually it is src\storage\fdc\ in the DDK. The ISO is freely availably from Microsoft. Import it and see if it works with PnP.

Sfloppy is only in the WDK, which you are NOT allowed to use in ReactOS.

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu

On 2011-06-02, at 11:53 AM, Cameron Gutman wrote:

With all my respect to the hard work put into this, I want to express my concerns:
How did I know this was coming? ;)

Why is there a need to develop a half-done fdc, if there is a full, working, tested by millions driver available even in old DDKs, which we can use without violating its license?
Why waste time writing that driver from scratch now when we could just import DDK's one and spend time fixing our PnP manager instead, and other involved components so that DDK's driver actually works?
As far as I know, the only floppy related DDK driver is sfloppy.sys. If that is wrong, I would be happy to import a better fdc.sys and scrap this one.
Again, with all my respect to Cameron, he does a great job, but when he disappears next time for a year or two, who is going to finish FDC? Or any other of his half-finished branches? (each being really a pearl if it's done).
aicom-hardware-fun can be deleted because somebody is finally working on usb. tcp-rewrite-branch was merged to the GSoC project. The only incomplete branch is aicom-network-branch which has Alex's new Winsock code in it (which only a few bugs prevent from being fully functional).
I would really suggest using all available resources first and only then spend time developing our own stuff instead of already existing.
I did this thing in one (long) night because I was bored. It's not like I spent a month doing it. I know people say "Who cares about floppy support?" and I agree but it has to be done at some point to be compatible with XP/Vista/7.

Thanks for understanding,
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