
Windows XP/2003 is a great target, those were very stable systems, and ReactOS can perfectly replace them. Software companies dont support them because lack of maintenance. But ReactOS has that :)

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 1:59 PM Dick <dick@deds.nl> wrote:
When will reactos be usable for daily use? I think reactos shoulld support
also windows 7/10 programs, because when it only supports older
windows-versions you all are in fact building history, something that will
never be usable for new computers with new software so it would never be
able to replace windows. I realy hoep the day this project is suitable for
daily use comes ever, about 20 yers of work without a full functional
versoin makes me doubt reactos will ever become a fully workign
replacement for windows. Who knows, maybe everybody had forgoten windows
in 10 years and everybody uses chrome os. so i hope there is a plan,
somethign users can expect. a first beta release for example.
best regards, Dick

On Mon, 5 Nov 2018, David Quintana (gigaherz) wrote:

> Our compatibility layer is very WIP, so reports about those apps would be a
> lot of noise with low value
> On Mon, 5 Nov 2018, 13:32 Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo <elhoir@gmail.com
> wrote:
>       hello all,
> im planning to use ReactOS at a foundation here in Madrid, which is
> dedicated to people with intellectual disabilities
> he point is, they are using mostly Windows 10, so they are using Win10
> apps
> are bug reports about Win10 apps acceptable?
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