Please do bear in mind ReactOS is in ALPHA, i.e. not suitable for normal use.
If you want such a CD, my advice would be to download the debug version of reactos from the website and source code then burn the two files (the ISO and the zip file) to a CD.

ReactOS has one CD if I remember correctly, that does all languages (If I'm wrong please correct me)

Also, AFAIK ReactOS has no manuals, it has SOME documentation in the wiki, but overall it lacks much documentation.

2010/2/5 Raúl Avila Catalá <>
Hi for all the ReactOS community, soon brings near to him the FLISOL2010
and want to take the CD that appears in the ReactOS page, since the
discharge from tub makes to him impossible for the limited bandwidth that
has in the island...

Please if some interested party in collaborating, it need a CD that it
contains the operative system ( in Spanish ), the source code of ReactOS
and some manuals ( in Spanish )...

I, will make oneself responsible for make copy them and distribute it for
the happening, in order that the Cuban community that has not access to
the Internet can obtain " the alternative of Windows ".

They can me write directly to my address of post:


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