If someone wants to implement
1. Alternate resource support
2. BasePostImportInit and related advanced stuff
3. Application compatibility hacks support
he should be at least that smart to see that support for those features
is totally non-existant, so there is nothing to warn about.
It’s similar to having this reminder in the early init stage:
DPRINT1(“ReactOS is in alpha stage, some features may be missing. You have
been warned!\n”);
Aleksey Bragin.
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [fireball] 53635: - Downgrade
someDPRINT1s to DPRINTs.
For the stuff that was obviously designed to warn at least once,
have you filled out bug reports for all these missing features, or do you
think that someone will now remember all this missing code?
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu