What I meant to say was that a filesystem that
requires a user-mode component can not be the
boot filesystem.
I agree with you. The problem with the filesystem proposed in the
mail is that it depends on a _secondary_ and tertiary usermode component -
which itself requires the FS to be loaded already. Maybe it would be
possible to have a monolithic usermode (DB) FS-driver booting the system if
the loader boots like -> kernel + hal + usermode-FS.
However, the "DB filesystem" described so far would require:
-> kernel + hal + Usermode[MySQL + Tcl + ... + FS].
How can you load MySQL and Tcl without the (whatever-mode) FS?
Consequence: it's not bootable! (okay, maybe coLinux could run there ;-)
Just my two cents,
May the source be with you, stranger ;)
ICQ: #281645