This wasn't a proper feature freeze. Bugfixes were present, but in highly specific areas, without the proper path:  bug reported->bug list prioritized->tested-> passed to dev->fixed

We still suffer from system-wide regressions, heap and registry-related.

Best regards

2011/2/15 Aleksey Bragin <>
Yeah sure, this is quite important, however as I said, we just had a "natural" feature freeze when only bugfixes were committed to trunk for about 2 or 3 weeks, and all new features went to the branches (with some exceptions, but still).
Also, patches were reviewed and committed and as for regressions, previous release had even more, so there is a progress and positive view of the newcoming release.
Usability test is also something which our testers do all the time when preparing a release, this includes testing golden apps etc. Victor could explain more on this topic, and I would really like testers to manage this kind of stuff and do some minimal quality assurance.

Profit! :)


On Feb 15, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Timo Kreuzer wrote:

I'd like to come back to this and suggest a procedure:

1. Officially announce feature freeze.
2. Address patches in bugzilla. we have 31 patches in bugzilla and we should have each of them reviewed and hopefully a lot comitted.
3. Address regressions. We have 47 (!!!) bugs marked as regressions in bugzilla. We should go through each of them and check if its any reasonable to fix them.
4. Address bugs with high severity / high priority. (5 blockers, 9 critical, 50 major... doh!)
5. Do a "usability test". This means installing and doing the usual stuff, a user would do and note all problems, annoyances. Currently ros crashes very often with failed assertions and other stuff. If we ship this in a release, people will be very disappointed. so we seriously need to improve the situation.
6. ???
7. profit


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