Steven Edwards wrote:
Just to let everyone know we are now approved to be a 501c3 org in the United States
meaning that
we can give a tax deduction for any contributions received for donations to the
Foundation. I am
in process of trying to get my paperwork together now to come up with a plan to move
forward as I
have never done this before and its been a learning process. Sorry its taken so damn
Congratulations, and thanks so much for your hard work on this issue!
You deserve a big clap of applause.
I would like to propose that we get something up rather
quickly on and
review/amend the draft bylaws as needed as well as have our first real meeting after Jason
and I
have discussed off list drafting a new budget plan for the following expenses.
Bounty System
Retainer for Legal and Accounting
Supplementation of Hosting Costs
Administrative Assistant
Reserve Fund
I totally agree.
Just to give you a idea I am wanting to budget whatever
income we might have in the following way
80% developers/bounties
5% reserve fund (Mutual Funds, Savings, Etc)
5% legal reserve and retainer costs
5% supplement hosting and misc expenses (expos etc)
5% part-to-full time administrative assistant to help me manage paper work as I suck at
Two issues I see here:
1) Developers. Do you mean that each developer will be paid? How will
this be done? equally shared? Not to sound like an ass, but there may be
times when a developer does absolutely nothing (read: me for the next
month), while someone else is hacking away 100KLOC of code. Or someone
that generally only does little fixes (which can be really useful, and
is all the useful time he can offer due to work/family/school) versus
someone which already has assured income and spends 24 hours a day
working on Reactos. Would it be fair to pay everyone the same amount of
money? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the issue, but I just want to be
fair. Besides, I'm sure many developers might want to refuse getting
paid. Working for free is sometimes a personal choice, and the offers
certain tangible and psycoligcal advantages. I don't know about others,
but I myself would feel bad in many ways to receive money by working on
ReactOS. I would feel as if any bugs ormistakes that I make now have
monetary losses associated with them.
2) I think expos should get more then 5%. An expo of 4 people would cost
around 2000$ (assuming 150$/night * 3 nights, plus food and other needs,
*4 people). Now at minimum we'll probably want to attend a North
American and a European conference, meaning 4000$. The European one is
bound to have more then 4 people anyways, so with 6 people, it'll up the
cost to 6000$. 5% means that we would need 80 000$ in donations. Seems a
lot to me at this stage. Then again, we probably won't want to pay the
full cost of an expo at this point, but whatever, I'm just giving ideas
and I hope they help!
Prior board meetings mainly consisted of me telephoning
each board member upon the initial
incorporation and we have not really moved forward since that time. Now that we are all
nice and
legal its time to hit the ground running. Currently our board of directors consists of
long time
developers to ReactOS and Wine
Steven Edwards, Jason Filby, Alexandre Julliard, Brian Palmer and Rex Jolliff.
I would like to get community feedback as part of our bylaw amending process on the
current status
of the board and when/if we should hold elections and restructure. Also from people that
agreed to
be on the board. Do you still want to do it? Does anyone else? Etc....
I would love to be on the board. I think I have some pretty good ideas
for moving forward, and it'll be a good short break from coding when
I'll happen.
Best Regards,
Alex Ionescu