I love you.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Timo Kreuzer <timo.kreuzer@web.de> wrote:
King InuYasha schrieb:
> Arwinss resembles the NT3/Vista/7 architecture for Win32k, while the
> implementation that some people are saying is "right" is more in line with
> the NT4-WinXP.
You obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
arwinss has no more in common with NT3 or Vista/7 than with NT4/XP/2003
Also Vista/Win7 architecture is following XP/2003 architecture much more
than NT3.

> In the strictest sense of the definition, both arwinss and
> the current default implementation styles are "correct." Both
> implementations work and allow Windows NT drivers to work with it, so that's
> not the problem. It also adds in RDP-esque support through X, which is
> pretty cool too.
> I guess some of these people don't like Wine code. The problem with that is
> that without Wine code, ReactOS would probably take ten times as long to
> actually get to a usable state.
That's just bs.
The win32 subsystem has a bunch of bugs yes, but don't expect them to go
away by using more wine code.

> Using Wine code for win32k seems to cross
> some sort of line for them. I heard some of them saying the Wine code for
> win32k is "ugly."
When you talk about "them" and "these people" you talk about us, don't
you? It's win32k devs you talk about, right? If you can do the coding
for us, ...

> What does ugliness have to do with it? Being able to share
> more with Wine saves a lot of hard work from ReactOS devs. They can focus
> more on bringing the NT kernel up to scratch, rather than spending more time
> with the Win32k code.
And this is exactly what is *not* happening. Aleksey currentlty spends
his time with this win32k rewrite instead of something useful, like
fixing the kernel or fixing the real win32k or fixing fat or usb or
porting reactos to mips.

> They could even work on adding in other subsystems, if
> they wanted to.
Yes everyone is free to code what he likes, it just won't lead us anywhere.

Sorry for sounding rude, but I just hate when people with no
understanding about the topic are spreading misinformation.


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