I'm with Ged here...
It's a shame if Ged stops working on UI, as he has improved it a lot lately.
I also read the commit message as rude.
I think there need to be written a text on what exactly the UI coordinator is supposed to do. I do not think he should have a final say on everything.
Well, I agree with everything Ged has to say.

2006/5/18, Ged Murphy <gedmurphy@gmail.com>:
mf wrote:
> Until you manage to get that wonky off-balance thing you prefer to be
> accepted as the official logo, whether it is ugly or not is not
> relevant. There is a procedure for changing established things. Your
> method of just going ahead and changing things without asking is not
> only rude but wrong.
I highly disagree with the fact that everyone must go through you. If we
initiated a kernel coordinator, do you also suggest that all kernel work
must be approved by them too?

Taking into account the smarmy comment which went along with the change,
it was my impression you changed it back just to try and annoy me.
Many of the developers I have spoken to agree that the original icon is
better. Nobody seems to want to say anything to you for fear of
upsetting you though. Great!

> If you want to change things, you will have to go
> through me first. If you have a problem with me, you have a problem
> with changing things. So I suggest you consider your options.

I have just considered my options. I choose to stop work on the UI as of
The fact that you've tried to alienate me many times, and now in public
seals the fact that we can't work together.

I was the only person interested in working on the UI, and you managed
to take the fun out of it for me, are you sure you are the right man for
the job?  I tend to think not.


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