Absolutely no! ISO files can be mounted into VM as easily as burned intó CD/Dvd and everyone knows how to do it. I can not tell the same about USB flash

El 05/01/2015 15:11, "Colin Finck" <colin@reactos.org> escribió:
Hi all,

As more and more computers these days come without optical drives, we're
thinking about switching from ReactOS CD giveaways to USB flash drive
giveaways on exhibitions (like this month's FOSDEM). ReactOS would then
come preinstalled in a VM on these drives. When ReactOS' USB support
gets better, we may even think about making these drives bootable.

Now the prices for 1GB USB drives haven't quite reached the costs of
blank CDs yet. Also many countries put a high fee on USB drives, because
you will for sure always use them to pirate copyrighted work... For
example, we're talking about a fee of 1€/unit here in Germany. Germany
is fair enough though to not apply the fee if you're ordering from
outside Germany. Maybe this also works the other way round, i.e. we as
ReactOS Deutschland e.V. order USB drives from another European country
and don't have to pay this fee.

Sooo, who of you knows a good supplier in your (European) country for
bulk ordering USB drives with the best per-unit price? Even better if
your supplier can print a custom logo on these drives.
Depending on the price, we're talking about 50-200 drives here.

Reply on the forum please:

Thanks for your help in making a great ReactOS presentation at exhibitions!

- Colin

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