Reply from Pisarz, author of Lautus theme:
"Lautus is based on Luna Inspirat (which is an open-source visual style by
krosavcheg) and was made using TGTSoft StyleBuilder. I think you should ask guys from
TGTSoft about that. I was thinking about it earlier. If we know the structure of msstyle
files, we could try to reverse engineer the visual style file and find a way to compile it
from the sources I've provided."
On Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:00 PM, "Giannis Adamopoulos"
<giannis.adamopoulos(a)> wrote:
Sure this could be a nice short term solution for the
upcoming release.
However in order to bundle a theme we have to recreate one. Theme files
are normal dll files that doesn't contain any code but contain resources.
We could recreate these dlls in our tree by adding bit by bit all the
parts of the theme without copying anything from the themes created by ms
or by the modified ms themes.
With best regards