
My name is Ilie Halip, and I'm a student at the Faculty of Computer Science, in Iasi, Romania. I'd like to take part in this year's Google Summer of Code, and I was browsing the ideas page earlier.

What caught my eye was the Management Console, but after some discussions on IRC, I got very excited about another thing not listed on the wiki page for GSoC. It's about implementing support for Windows Error Reporting. It's listed at http://reactos.org/wiki/Missing_ReactOS_Functionality. I think it's doable in less than 3 months, and might prove to be helpful too (the wiki page sais that :P). I'm not sure if you would accept this kind of proposal, so I'm here to ask about that. Also, I would need a mentor to help me with this project - so... would anyone be willing to mentor me, if this project would be accepted? I was also looking at WMI, but I know it's huge, and I'm not sure how much of it would be required to consider such a project successful.

Also, another thing I should mention. I do have a full time job right now. That's a reason I didn't dive into anything bigger listed on the ideas page. Even though I do have some experience writing Windows drivers (I wrote a file system filter driver 2 years back), I don't think I'd be able to write an Intel HDA driver in less than 3 months. But I talked to my superiors, and they are willing to let me work part-time during GSoC, so I should be able to work for my would-be project about 30 hours/week. Do you think that's enough?
