Hi all,
I'm new to ROS but I've had a few patches accepted to Wine.
I'm having difficulty with the website and I can't seem to login (even
after enabling multisession) so I can't use bugzilla or the forums.
So anyways, I've got ROS to compile (RosBE is great!)/build/install on
two systems but I'm getting the following problems on one system (Dell
Inspiron 5150 Laptop):
During install it shows a 17592185991168 MB unused space partition after
my 60 GB FAT32 partition. But install still works okay.
During 1st boot I get a bsod, I don't have a COM port (USB only) so I
tried to use the SCREEN output option but it's too fast to read. I've
try to use the FILE option but only 600+ bytes are written to the
debug.log file. I know the cache_manager isn't being flushed because
everytime it crashes the contents of the folders in "Documents &
settings" folder are corrupt (ie: "All Users.Reactos", etc.)
So my question is : How can I disable the cache_manager? Or can I
place sync() commands somewhere in the source for testing. (is there
such a function available?).
The bsod seems to be related to gdi issues during creating the primary
surface. Somewhere the DeviceObject for the screen is NULL and is not
caught till it causes a GPE much later.
I'll give a little info that I've written down.
/ntoskrnl/io/irp.c:570 - GPE
Hope this helps.
I was using the lastest SVN at the time (21738 I think).
Peter Quiring