On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Alex Ionescu <ionucu@videotron.ca> wrote:
Last nitpick: if you can't get the windows directory, just
ShellExecute "regedit.exe" directly, as the code originally did --
this is the behavior on Windows, fyi.

Though it is the behavior on Windows, it is a bad thing, IMHO. There are already too many little viruses who pretend to be a system executable, say, explorer.exe, and they are placed in a (sub)directory of the windows directory to be shell executed. If we can't get the windows direcoty, we should let the user know, and give them the chance to fix it, instead of blindly execute anything.
I used to suffer from those, and they were really annoying. Please consider being different from Windows in this and similar issues.