IMO the Win95 GUI is ugly. I have no problem with is as the default.. for now.
I think ROS should have it's own unique GUI. Eventually. Or to be themeable.
I would like to see Open Step implemented in ROS, but with a better GUI. SkyGI is an example of what I am talking about. I am a beta tester for SkyOS too. 

On 5/22/06, David Hinz <> wrote:

theUser BL schrieb:
> Last week I have tested ReactOS build 21942.
> And I wondern about the ugly changes:
> - wrong gradient on the top of the windows.
It's not _wrong_, it's different. And when the colors are slightly
changed, it looks alot better, than in windows, imho...

> - the symbols which say, which icon on the desktop is a link and which not,
>  is now on the right bottom, instead of the left bottom
>  But some icon-designer have the icons so designed, that its ok, if there
>  is something on the left bottom of the icon lost. But the icons are
>  not so designed, that it is lost on any other place.
Imho users either know, if an icon is a shortcut or not, or don't even
know what a shortcut is, so these small icons could be removed.
But that's a topic we could have yearlong arguments on, so I guess these
things should stay the way they are and we should wait for more user

> It seems, there are now some ReactOS-developer, who don't like Windows.
If all ReactOS-developers would love Windows, would this project even

> I would prefering it, if ReactOS looks most as possible like Windows.
> And if anybody wants to have its own look, that then existing options to
> change the look of ReactOS.
From :
"ReactOS aims to achieve complete binary compatibility with both
applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems,
by using a similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent
public interface."
This says, we will create something compatible to windows, not a clone.

If you want everything to be like it is in windows, go and use windows.

Please excuse my hard formulation, I just wanted to point out, that this
project is not about _cloning_ windows, but about creating a innovative
OS, compatible to Windows NT.

> Greatings
> theuserbl


David Hinz
Ros-dev mailing list

Dave Johnson DaveFILMS® The Voice Zone™
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