lets try this! ^^^^

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Colin Finck <colin@reactos.org> wrote:
Hi all,

The long-announced Mumble Server is finally live! I've put up all
instructions on our Wiki: https://reactos.org/wiki/Mumble

I've resembled the structure of our IRC channels, meaning there is a
general "ReactOS" channel open for everybody and a channel "ReactOS-Dev"
for authenticated users only. There will also be international channels
for easier discussions in your native language. On top of this,
everybody can create temporary channels for short discussions.

You login with your ReactOS Development Account (aka SVN account) to
become authenticated. If you don't have such an account, choose an
arbitrary username and join the open channels.

I'm also looking for ReactOS members willing to serve as Mumble
administrators. Just like on IRC, this gives you additional rights, like
creating permanent channels or kicking and banning people. As this also
allows you to modify permissions, I don't like to give this status to
every authenticated user. So far, only Pierre and me are administrators
on Mumble. Volunteers are welcome!

I think it makes no sense to set up even more rules right now before
people have checked it out, so let's all give it a try and see how we
can work with it. In a next step, we could announce it on the website
and even use Mumble for the monthly meetings.



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