On which version of MS-Windows ReactOS should try to emulate or be compatible with, being compatible with a version from 2003 is not good enough.
There is the matter not only of applications but device drivers.
Manufacturer-supplied device drivers for Windows should be usable in ReactOS as much as possible. Being runnable only on old computers is not good enough.
One thing that sticks out on this list (ros-dev and ros-user) is the excessive quoting, whereby the list footer that the server automatically adds to the end of every message, and when quoting the whole message, the footer appears multiple times. It is decidedly inelegant when the list footer appears 5, 6 or 7 times on the same message due to indiscriminately quoting the entire message.
I also say indiscriminate use of multipart/alternative is inelegant when one-part plain text shows everything of interest.
Ros-dev mailing list