On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Thomas Bluemel
<w3seek@reactos.com> wrote:
Timo Kreuzer wrote:
> And when I have already started moaning about this kind of stuff... what
> about the arm guys? They are so secret they can't even make their
> changelog themselfs? Why that? And why are they so secret that noone
> knows? I mean we keep demanding real name and email from everyone
> creating a patch, yet a bunch of people have direct commit access and
> they keep hiding their names? What reasons are there
I thought it was common knowledge already that Alex is the (only) arm
"guys". Isn't it more than obvious? Very same coding style, knowledge,
comments, rants, ... How stupid does one have to be not to realize the
connection? Prove me otherwise... And since you're complaining about not
being open, why do you only post this to the private list?
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