Phillip Susi wrote:
I would think so too, but the fact remains that win32k already appeared
to have window stations in place specifically for the purpose of
supporting multiple consoles ( be they physical or virtual ), so I can
see no good reason to go through the trouble of hacking up the kernel to
be able to load a driver multiple times. Unless you know of a good
reason, then ReactOS should not make that same mistake.
One good technical reason NOT to use session space is that the pages
therein can't be marked with the global page bit, so they must be
flushed from the TLB on every context switch. Then the page tables
themselves take up more memory, though a relatively small amount.
The one reason I gave me as answer was that on a TS-environment,
everyone has it's own DOSDevices-namespace.
and I think there are even more parts of the object manager namespace
duplicated and separated. But will this need several csrss?
Neiter that nor win32k. It needs a hack to the win32 API
Start csrss with another alternative \DosDevices OM-Path as start
parameter to make the whole win32 api behave different. GetDriveLetters etc.