
On 9/1/05, Steven Edwards <> wrote:
We still have the cash in the foundation account for the trademark paperwork. ($525) plus about a
hundred in paypal donations not sent to the bank yet. Our lawyer and I have not compleated the
paperwork (his slackness and mine) and I have not cut him a check.

Some of us would like to put the trademark filing on hold and donate the funds to the RedCross. I
would like to have a vote on it among anyone that is a user, tester, developer, or random fan that
has donated to the project in the past. If there is a unanimous vote then I will transfer the
funds that are in our bank account and whatever is in paypal to the RedCross. If there is a single
objection then I will not.

I know this project did not get behind the tsunami relief effort (Which we should have) so even if
there is a not a unanimous vote for reallocating the foundation funds then I ask that each of you
personally donate if you can to the RedCross.

The United States Government has really fucked it up and the truth is not being reported on.


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